Student Handbook
- Welcome
- Mission
- Behavior Standards
- Visiting School
- M.S.D. of Wayne Township Student Dress Guidelines
- Attendance Guidelines
- Elementary Student Attendance/Tardies Guidelines and Procedures
- Grading Scale
- Grade and Progress Reports
- Honor Roll
- Homework
- School-Home Correspondence
- Parent Liaison
- Wireless Communication Device Guidance
- Classroom Telephone
- Delayed and Emergency Early Release Schedule
- Emergency School Closing
- Leaving School Early
- Transfer to Another School
- Bus Transportation
- Car Rider Procedures
- Student Bicycle Transportation (in accordance with Board Policy C475)
- Student Birthdays
- Parent Volunteer Program
- Lunch Program
- Returned Checks (NSF)
- Phone Numbers
- School Nurse
- School Illness and Accidents
- Administration of Medication
- Pest Control
- Distribution of Materials
Dear Robey Families,
We are thrilled that you have chosen Wayne Township schools and Robey Elementary to provide your child with a high quality education. Our staff is dedicated to serving students and our community so all children can reach their fullest potential. Teachers, school/district staff, and Superintendent Dr. Butts will often communicate through our ParentSquare program so please be sure you are signed up so you don’t miss important information. Our Skyward system allows parents to see updated grades, attendance, etc. Please contact our front office if you have any questions about how to utilize either of these tools.
The 2023-24 school year was an enormous success for our students and staff. A few highlights: Mrs. Courtney James was honored as Robey’s Teacher of the Year at the district ceremony in April. Three drivers in the Indianapolis 500 visited Robey as a part of IMS Community Day. Our new Book Vending Machine was a hit with students who earned over 500 free books throughout the year. Robey families donated over 1000 pounds of canned food items during our Thanksgiving Food Drive, and our Robey Student Council completed numerous service projects throughout the school year.
Construction and renovation projects are completed, and we are so thankful for our Board of Education’s commitment to the safe and efficient functioning of our school. New roofing, HVAC and mechanical improvements, renovated restrooms, and updated room interiors are just some of the significant projects. New playgrounds that were finished in November, 2024 are also very popular with our students and the local community!
Please pay attention to the district website and be active with our PTO. Important dates and school events are listed on the ParentSquare calendar. Please follow our school’s Twitter account @RobeyRockets to keep up with all the great things that happen at Robey and in our community. The deep partnerships that develop between home and school help to ensure the success of all of our students. We are looking forward to an amazing school year!
Mr. Ben Markley ,Principal
Mr. Christopher Wey, Assistant Principal
Robey Elementary, a team of staff, family and community, provides all students with a safe, supportive setting, ensuring learning experiences for their academic, social, and emotional growth. With a focus on academic excellence, we challenge students to become responsible, motivated lifelong learners.
Behavior Standards
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Be courteous, kind, and respectful of others.
- Be honest and cooperative at all times.
- Keep your materials and the school neat and clean.
- Be prepared for class and do all assignments.
- Line up for class and dismissal promptly and walk quietly in the halls.
- Bring no candy, gum, or soft drinks to school.
- Bring no toys or playthings without your teacher’s permission.
- Bring no dangerous items to school.
- Possess or use no drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.
- Display good manners in the cafeteria and keep your area clean.
- Follow the directions of school staff immediately, the first time directions are given.
- Pass no notes at school.
- Follow the dress code.
Be Respectful
Life Long Learners
Active Listening
Safe School Environment
Take Responsibility
Visiting School
- Students may be dropped off in the morning during morning car rider procedure no earlier than 8:12 a.m.
- Parents who walk their child to school should remain in the front entry and say their good-byes with their child at that location.
- Parents who need to speak with a teacher should call or email the teacher to set up an appointment. Out of courtesy to both the teacher and students, please schedule all visits with the teacher prior to your visit. We know conversations with parents and teachers are most productive when both adults can devote their full attention to the topic, and we want teachers to use every minute of the day to teach our students.
- If parents need to speak with their child during the school day, we will be happy to call your child to the office and find a private location for you to converse.
- All visitors who need to enter into the school (HOSTS, regular school volunteer, field trip chaperones, meeting with teacher, etc.) will need to have a government issued ID out and ready to be checked. The ID will be scanned and a badge will be printed for you. When leaving school, you will drop the badge back off at the office so you can be checked out. Scanning visitors in and out not only allows us to check the National Sex Offender registry, but we are able to keep an accurate account of who is in our school at all times.
Thank you for your continued support of our safe schools!
M.S.D. of Wayne Township Student Dress Guidelines
Attendance Guidelines
- Illness
- Health Care and Social Services Appointments
- Religious Instruction Commitments
- Pages in Indiana General Assembly
- Participation in Election Day Activities
- Subpoenaed as a witness
- Take Your Child to Work Day. (The absence may be excused if the parent provides a note from the employer stating that it is permissible for the child to accompany the parent to work.) The MSD of Wayne Township does not participate in the Take Your Child to Work Day. School district employees may not bring their child to work.
The following steps constitute the MSD of Wayne Township attendance plan:
- After three, five , and nine days of absences, a warning letter will be sent home.
- If absences continue, a referral is made to the truancy court. Attendance includes absences and tardies.
Elementary Student Attendance/Tardies Guidelines and Procedures
- Students will be counted “tardy” if they arrive at school after the official start of school and before ½ of the school day is complete. (This time will vary from school to school; at Robey this time is noon.)
- The school day is divided into two parts: a.m. and p.m. Students should be counted in attendance for a ½ day if they attend for a portion of the morning or afternoon. If students arrive in the a.m. before the ½ day time limit, they should be counted for a full attendance day. The same shall apply if a student leaves school early.
- There will be two awards issued to students for attendance at the elementary level–Perfect Attendance and Outstanding Attendance.
- If a student attends every day that school is in session and is present for every minute of every session, he/she shall be awarded a PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD. In order to qualify for a PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD, a student may not have any tardies or any early releases from school.
- A student will qualify for an OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE AWARD if he/she has no absences and not more than a total of 6 tardies or early release days with documented doctor or dental notes for the year.
8:15 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. (Grades K - 6)
Grading Scale
Grade and Progress Reports
Wayne Township Elementary Schools issue report cards each nine weeks. Near the middle of each grading period, an interim report will be sent home to you if your child is not meeting his or her academic responsibilities. We want to advise you of a lack of progress early in the reporting period so that corrective actions can be taken by all parties to improve student performance. If you receive an interim report, sign and return one copy to the teacher within two days.
Grading Period/Report Card Dates
First-October 7-11, 2024
Second-January 10, 2025
Third-March 14, 2025
Fourth-June 4, 2025
Honor Roll
- STRAIGHT A’s HONOR ROLL: All A’s each 9 weeks must be earned.
- HONOR ROLL: A’s and B’s must be earned in all subjects.
- OUTSTANDING EFFORT: This is a recognition system to identify students who have improved their grades and/or effort.
- The teacher will send make-up work home when the child returns.
- The teacher will contact you or send it home with another student if work needs to be completed before the child returns to school.
- Student work may be picked up at the office between 3:45 and 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday.
School-Home Correspondence
Parent Liaison
Wireless Communication Device Guidance
Balancing Screens w/ Skills: Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders Today
M.S.D. of Wayne Township’s comprehensive wireless communication device (WCD) guidance is designed to foster a productive learning environment while encouraging overall development for all students. Embracing the prevalent role of technology in modern society, we aim to build a balance between leveraging electronic devices for educational purposes with minimal disruption in the classroom and fostering essential collaborative and social-emotional skills.
Aligned with the developmental stages of our students as they progress through grade levels, this guidance gradually releases responsibility to them, recognizing their increasing maturity and capacity for self-regulation.
The usage of personal wireless communication devices (WCDs), such as cell phones, earbuds, tablets, laptops, gaming devices, and wearable technology, will be regulated during instructional time. Students are expected to bring their district-issued communication devices (iPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class. Personal WCDs are prohibited unless approved by the teacher while they are in the learning environment/classroom.
In some very unique situations, students with identified disabilities may have a need to keep a personal WCD with them during the school day. These situations are approved at the discretion of the case conference committee and will only be considered when necessary to meet specific, documented needs in rare circumstances.
At any point during the school day (especially in an emergency), caregivers can call the main office line of the school to communicate any necessary information. Additionally, caregivers are encouraged to utilize the student’s district-issued email for communication purposes.
At the elementary level, where foundational skills are cultivated and social norms are established, electronic device usage is restricted to educational purposes under the supervision of teachers. This is intended to emphasize digital citizenship, focus on responsible device usage, and lay the groundwork for collaborative learning and the development of social-emotional skills.
K-6th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (iPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-6) to class daily. Students will leave personal WCDs at home or secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack during the school day.
As students transition to Chapel Hill or Lynhurst 7th & 8th Grade Centers, students are granted increased autonomy with their devices, allowing them to be utilized for educational purposes during designated times while still adhering to classroom guidelines. This stage emphasizes the importance of self-regulation, appropriate technology use in academic settings, and the cultivation of collaborative skills through academic and social peer-to-peer interactions.
7th-8th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (IPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class daily. Students will secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack or locker during the school day.
Ben Davis High School Ninth Grade Center is uniquely positioned to onboard students to credit-bearing courses while supporting students as they transition to the rest of the high school experience.
9th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (IPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class daily. Students will secure silenced, personal WCDs in a backpack or locker unless used during passing periods and lunch. Recording devices must not be used inappropriately, and unauthorized recordings may lead to disciplinary action. At no time are students to take a picture or video of an individual during the school day without the permission of that individual or the school, unless directed to do so by a teacher as part of the curriculum or for use in a school publication. Devices are not to be out for any reason in any area where there is an expectation of privacy (i.e. locker room, bathroom).
By the time students reach Ben Davis High School or Ben Davis University High School, they are expected to demonstrate a high level of responsibility and maturity in managing their electronic device usage. While devices are permitted for educational purposes, students are entrusted with greater freedom to utilize them responsibly, preparing them for the realities of the digital world of higher education and the workforce.
10th-12th Grade Student Responsibilities: Students will bring their charged district issued communication devices (IPads in K-2 and Chromebooks in 3-12) to class daily. WCDs are not allowed in the classroom (outside of previously mentioned exceptions); WCDs are allowed in non-classroom areas if they do not disrupt the school environment. Recording devices must not be used inappropriately, and unauthorized recordings may lead to disciplinary action. At no time are students to take a picture or video of an individual during the school day without the permission of that individual or the school, unless directed to do so by a teacher as part of the curriculum or for use in a school publication.Devices are not to be out for any reason in any area where there is an expectation of privacy (i.e. locker room, bathroom).
Consequences for students are included below as a suggested path towards building a balance between leveraging electronic devices for educational purposes with minimal disruption in the classroom and fostering essential collaborative and social-emotional skills.
- 1st offense: Verbal warning, caregiver contacted by teacher
- 2nd offense: Classroom documentation with caregiver contact by teacher
- 3rd offense: Offense referral, caregiver/student conference with administrator
- 4th offense: Offense referral, device confiscated and returned to student
- 5th offense: Offense referral, student consequence not resulting in missed instruction, device confiscated and returned to caregiver
- 6th offense and beyond: Offense referral, device confiscated and returned to caregiver with progressive consequences
Throughout this developmental continuum, our comprehensive electronic device guidance not only empowers students with essential digital literacy skills but also fosters collaboration, communication, and social-emotional growth. By integrating technology into the learning process in a purposeful and responsible manner, we endeavor to cultivate well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. M.S.D. of Wayne Township appreciates your support in maintaining a learning environment that fosters engagement, collaboration, and the holistic development of every student.
If students or caregivers have questions regarding this guidance, please contact an administrator in your school.
Classroom Telephone
Delayed and Emergency Early Release Schedule
Listen to or view LOCAL Media Broadcasts.
Sometimes the weather or unforeseen events require changing school schedules. There are now two alternative schedules- the two-hour delay in starting or the early dismissal. The two-hour delayed schedule leaves dismissal times unchanged, and starting times are as follows:
Ben Davis HS, 9th Grade Ctr 10:15 a.m.
Robey Elementary 10:15 a.m.
7th/8th Grade Centers 11:00 a.m.
Emergency School Closing
Your child must know where to go should an emergency school closing occur. You will be asked to file an Emergency Release form which will provide information on what your child should do in case of an early school closing. If school will be closed, local radio and television stations will broadcast this information.
Leaving School Early
All early dismissals are cleared through the school office. Please notify the teacher in advance of your child’s need to leave school early whenever possible. Children are expected to remain at school throughout the school day unless a note is received by the school office. Parents arriving to pick up children early in the office must do so before 2:45 p.m. Anyone other than the parent must have written permission or be listed on the student’s contact list. Please, no changes of transportation after 2:45 p.m. For your child’s safety, teachers may not release students from the classroom unless they are notified by the office. Students will be called to the office when the parent arrives.
Transfer to Another School
Bus Transportation
Your child must return home from school in the same manner in which he or she is normally transported, unless a message, IN WRITING, is sent to the office noting a change in transportation or other plans which affect the student’s routine procedures. The note should tell where your child is going and how he or she will get there. Bus transportation is provided for Wayne Township kindergarten students. Students on buses are under the direct supervision of the driver and must obey all safety rules. You will receive a copy of the student school bus conduct and rules information. Call the Director of Transportation at 317-988-6375, if you have questions or concerns regarding transportation.
For your convenience, the district has partnered with Here Comes the Bus, an easy-to-use website and mobile device app that enables parents and caregivers to to view the real-time location of their child’s school bus. Visit with school code 75632 for more details.
Car Rider Procedures
- Please turn off Tansel Road onto Robey Drive. Take Robey Drive until it T’s into Bridgeport Road. Turn left in front of the school.
- As traffic flow allows, or as directed by school or police personnel, please pull the north end of the sidewalk before letting your child out of the car. If you are the first car, please pull all the way up the sidewalk to let others fall in line behind you.
- You should not let your child out of the car until you are at the sidewalk.
- If you plan to walk your child your child into the school, please park in our north or south lots, or our visitor parking area at the end of Robey Drive.
- Students should not be dropped off earlier than 8:10 a.m. The YMCA provides before And after care if needed. Please contact the YMCA at 484-9622.
- Please turn off Tansel Road onto Robey Drive. Take Robey Drive until it T’s into Bridgeport Road. Turn left in front of the school. PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK RESIDENTS’ DRIVEWAYS!!!
- Students will be waiting for your arrival in the gym, Door 7.
- Each family will be given a student name card that should be kept in the front passenger side of their car window.
- When arriving for dismissal please pull around to the north parking lot by the gym doors to begin a continuously flowing line of vehicles. There will be traffic directors located at the entrance of the parking lot. When you arrive at the gym doors, a staff member will call your child/children’s name on a radio and your child will come out.
- School Personnel will not release your child until you have reached the gym door.
- If your child is going home in a way that is different from the normal routine, you must provide the office and /or classroom teacher a note stating the change. You may also contact the office, but no later than 2:45. Students will not be dismissed from the office after 2:45. Parents will be directed to use the car rider line.
- Car rider students will be given a window identification tag to be used for car rider line. This will ensure students are safely picked up by an identified family member/guardian. IF you are having someone else pick your student up, you will need to transfer the tag to that person. If your family needs more than 1 tag, we will have those available for purchase in the office.
- School personnel or police will work with you to ensure guidelines are followed in order to keep your child and other children safe.
- Children may not cross the street without an adult.
- Please be kind to our staff. They are out front not to direct traffic, but to get your child to and from your car in a safe manner.
Student Bicycle Transportation (in accordance with Board Policy C475)
- Permission is granted from the building level administrator.
- The student resides in the “walker” area of school.
- A helmet is worn while riding the bicycle.
- The bicycle is locked in the bicycle rack with a lock provided by owner.
Student Birthdays
- You may send a non-food item (i.e. pencil, stickers, etc.) to school to recognize your child’s birthday and to share with classmates. Call the teacher in advance to make plans. Please do not send cupcakes or other food items to school for birthday celebrations.
- The teacher will determine the most appropriate time to share the treat with classmates.
- Please do not send flowers or balloon bouquets to school for birthdays or any other recognitions.
- Invitations for home parties should not be sent to school for your child to deliver. At the beginning of the school year, a classroom roster of parent names, phone numbers, and emails will be sent home. Parents will need to notify the classroom teacher if they choose to have their information included on the classroom list.
Parent Volunteer Program
Throughout the school year, we may have a need for parent volunteer help. Effective school research has shown that the more adults involved in the educational process, the higher the achievement of students. Some tasks at school do not require the expertise of trained professionals. Our adult volunteers can assist the regular classroom teacher in such ways as posting children’s work, helping with bulletin boards, assisting with clerical duties, and assisting students. Information about the adult volunteer program will be sent home with the children. Any assistance that you could give our school during its many activities would be greatly appreciated.
Contact the classroom teacher or the school office if you are interested in volunteering. All volunteers must complete a background screening form that can be found on our district website under the Parents’ tab.
Lunch Program
Robey Elementary is pleased to serve breakfast and lunch to all students each day. There is no cost to families for breakfast or lunch. Families are asked to complete an online application at the website.
You can find the menu online at click on services then on food service. Our cafeteria is a restaurant within your School, only we follow the USDA Dietary Guidelines. Soft drinks and fast food are not allowed in the cafe.
Returned Checks (NSF)
Some school activities may require additional money. Should a check be returned for nonsufficient funds the parent will be notified so that arrangements can be made for repayment. The student will not be allowed to participate in any activities that require additional payment: yearbook, fundraising for special field trips, or field trips payments. The school reserves the right to deny payment by personal check if non-sufficient funds has occurred. Unresolved matters will be turned over to a collection agency, small claims court, or the prosecuting attorney.
Phone Numbers
Attendance Line:317-988-6050
Robey Office: 317-988-6000
Nurse: 317-988-6086
Cafeteria: 317-988-6087
Transportation: 317-988-6375
School Nurse
Our school nurse will be at Robey full time Monday through Friday and will keep the student immunization records. No student shall be permitted to enroll in school without a current written immunization record on file with the school. Questions concerning these records should be addressed to our school nurse.
Vision and hearing screening will be conducted for students in Kindergarten, grades one, and four. You will receive additional information on screenings from our school nurse. She may be reached at 317-988-6086.
School Illness and Accidents
If a student becomes ill at school, the nurse will make every effort to contact the parent or the designated emergency contact person. It is necessary for the nurse to have the names and phone numbers of two additional persons who can be reached in the event the parent cannot be contacted. For this reason, it is extremely important that we have up-to-date phone numbers, addresses, and employment information on the enrollment form. As a general rule, a child who has left school because of a fever over 100.4 should not return until there has not been a fever for twenty-four hours. We also follow any additional illness, contact tracing, and quarantine requirements set forth by the CDC, State Department of Health and Marion County Health Department related to COVID-19.
Health Department guidelines no longer require students experiencing head lice to be excluded from school. Our school nurse may screen students if there are concerns about head lice, and she will work with families to suggest treatment options if a student has acquired head lice.
Administration of Medication
- Only medication necessary to maintain the child in school will be given at school.
- Written instructions signed by parent/ guardian and/or physician are obtained and retained for file.
- Medication must be in original container with pharmacy label affixed. A pharmacy label can serve as a physician order.
- Nonprescription medication should be provided in the original container.
- A school may not require teachers or other employees to administer medication requires skills beyond their qualifications (injections, glucose testing).
- All permission for long-term medication shall be renewed at least annually, and any changes shall be documented by written authorization of a licensed prescriber.
- A documentation flow sheet shall be developed by the school nurse. All persons administering any medication shall document that the student received the medication, time date, method by which the medication is administered, and signature.
- If it is determined that a student would benefit from the responsibility of self-medication, a program shall be developed for that student. When developing a plan for self-administration of medications, the safety of the other school children must be taken in consideration. The medication must be kept inaccessible to other students.
- If, at the end of the school year, the medication has not been picked up, the medication will be disposed of and documentation of that disposal will be completed by the school nurse.
- Parents who do not wish to comply with these regulations may come to school and administer the medication.
Pest Control
The School district has established a policy to notify those parents whose children may have reactions to pest control chemicals. Those pest control procedures are completed during non-school hours. Even though practices are completed after hours you may contact the school nurse at 317-988-6086 if you would like your name added to the list so that notification can be made prior to this procedure.
Distribution of Materials
The school district supports the activities of not-for-profit community groups by permitting them to use the school and distribute information concerning activities and services offered to school district families. These activities and services are not endorsed or supervised by the school district, and parents should contact the sponsoring organization directly with questions or concerns about the services or activities offered. Any organization that does not provide the services offered in a safe constructive environment should be reported in writing to the principal of your child’s school.