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Attendance in school is an important part of the learning process. Students are expected to be in attendance each day school is in session. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school by 9:00 a.m. if the student will be absent. Please call 317-988-6050. Excessive absences without a reasonable excuse may constitute truancy. Repeated absences jeopardize the pupil’s continued progress in school.

Class starts promptly at 8:15 a.m. so that students can begin morning work and have breakfast. Students must be in their classroom by 8:30 a.m. or they may be considered tardy.

Absences shall be classified as unexcused when a student is absent from school or a class without either the approval or consent of the principal or the principal designee, or as authorized by Indiana law. The following provisions sets forth the various types of absences that are recognized as excused, or which by reason of Indiana law.

  1. Illness
  2. Health Care and Social Services Appointments
  3. Religious Instruction Commitments
  4. Pages in Indiana General Assembly
  5. Participation in Election Day Activities
  6. Subpoenaed as a witness
  7. Take Your Child to Work Day. (The absence may be excused if the parent provides a note from the employer stating that it is permissible for the child to accompany the parent to work.) The MSD of Wayne Township does not participate in the Take Your Child to Work Day. School district employees may not bring their child to work.

The following steps constitute the MSD of Wayne Township attendance plan:

  1. After three, five , and nine days of absences, a warning letter will be sent home.
  2. If absences continue, a referral is made to the truancy court. Attendance includes absences and tardies.